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Scent of An Angel

What are Angels?

Who are they?

Do they exist?

Could they be loving beings who come into our lives to offer guidance, comfort and love?

Are they non-physical beings who can freely communicate with our Highest Selves?

Could they be everywhere in our lives?

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Step into the ethereal world of Scent of An Angel, a collection of  poetry.

This little book is a contemplative exploration of the unseen forces, perhaps celestial beings, that appear in our lives and stir our souls.


In 4 evocative parts, navigate the human experience through poems that resonate with anyone seeking solace, connection, and understanding.


Child of the Universe

Childhood...where innocence becomes a beacon of light in a world filled with complexity.


World of Shadows

A journey through the shadows of disillusionment, doubt and despair, where fortitude offers solace amidst life's painful trials.


Rising above adversity and embracing the promise of hope.

A reminder of the resilience that resides within us all.



The eternal journey towards enlightenment and peace.

The unseen dance of human values and energy within the mysteries of the universe.

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People say...

Scent of An Angel is a universal quest that transcends traditional beliefs.

In a universe where everything is energy, could angels be manifestations of human virtues such as kindness and compassion?


Are angels an archetype of a powerfully enduring cosmic friendship that offers solace?


This book is for those who are drawn to New Age spirituality and universal wisdom.


It's a reminder that even in life's darkest moments, there is light – and wisdom – guiding us towards a greater understanding of ourselves, the world around us and our universe.


"...a treasure trove of thought-provoking poems intended to be savored. Read one a day and find yourself pondering and being grateful for all the wonders in your life!"


Julie Ryan

Psychic and Medical Intuitive

"So light and so beautiful! through an ocean of meaningful Words and beautiful Worlds!

Each poem reminds us that we are not alone here..."


Olga Gomon

Author, The Games of Light and Shadow

"...dreamy, deep, and really makes a beautiful connection between our physical form and experiences with the mystical, magical realm of angels and higher consciousness."


Philippa Settels

Green Entrepreneur

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About the author


From childhood, PK Davies has believed in magic... the unseen possibilities of co-creation.

This little book of poems is her journey to experience our connection to the universe.




Hi there!


Ever since childhood, I’ve been captivated by the idea of unseen benevolent elemental or celestial beings who transcend time and religion. 
Perhaps you can relate?


I’ve also been fascinated by our yearning for the divine and the magical. 
To be guided by spirit in whichever way is meaningful for us. 


Perhaps it’s all part of the Greater Mystery... something loving and vast that encompasses us all. 

Maybe having different spiritual beliefs is what Life is all about. 


Perhaps our purpose involves the quest for life’s meaning...
..And the hero’s journey lies in finding it. 


For some of us, spirituality is a never-ending journey of discovery... 

Searching for what resonates within all the great traditions. 
Teachings, concepts, inspiration...
The truly meaningful ideas each of us relates to, plucked out with care and gently placed close to our hearts to turn to as we need and desire. 


Perhaps God, Goddess, Angels and more are the expansion of our own selves, our own possibilities.

Perhaps godly or angelic energy is a state of be-ing, divine energy in free flow.

The energetic expression of Love.


Here’s to the expansion of universal compassion. 
Here’s to us connecting with each other from the heart. 
And here’s to each of us finding our way together on this beautiful blue-green gem of a planet. 



PK Davies

Note: eBook is delivered as a PDF

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